My Self-Titled Life

“Do not worry. You have always written before and you will write now. All you have to do is write one true sentence.” Ernest Hemingway

My name is Andrea, and there are a couple of things you should know about me:

1. I love writing. When I was younger, I always thought maybe I could be a writer for a career. Unfortunately, it doesn’t come easily to me (does it ever?), so I just spew a lot of bullshit. Most of the time.

2. I am not sure why I started this blog.

Truth be told, I never really finish what I start (unless I absolutely must do it). That’s probably why I sucked at high school. With this blog, I hope I can learn to fuel my teen angst into something worthwhile. All I really want is a place to gather my thoughts, and maybe, just maybe, someone out there feels the same way I do. I want to make people feel okay about being weird as fuck. I know I never did, and that is why I’m doing this.

Come one, come all! Welcome to my self-titled life.